I’m so glad you’re here :)
Whether we’ve had the chance to meet in person or not, you’re here, interacting with my work and in some sense I think that makes us friends enough.
I started photography when I was probably 12 (believe it or not it was because I thought the shutter noise was satisfying…). A few years and many turns down the road, I shot my first wedding at 16, and let’s just say there was no going back :)
I’m currently a full-time architecture student and as different as my two worlds are, in many ways, to me, architecture and photography are both their own versions of artistic storytelling. So as much as I love school (really, I do), photography will always have my heart and I am constantly in awe that I’m blessed and trusted to be a part of your story and how you hold on to it.

A few of my favorite things:
I think one of the best ways to get to know someone is to get to know what they love :) So here are a few of my favorite things!
Whether it’s a run in the morning, a walk in the afternoon, or a backpacking trip over several days, outside is where I longs to be and the place that both inspires and rests my soul the most :)
One of my favorite things to do with new friends is grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and chat about life :)Current coffee order: a good pour over, or on occasion an oatmilk flat white:)
Currently reading:
Hope in the Dark by Rebecca Solnit
Index Cards by Moyra Davey
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
All time favorites:
Upstream by Mary Oliver
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Anne of Green Gables by L.M Montgomery